Friday, January 16, 2009

The beginning of our Journey

We want to update everyone on how this journey began.

The day after Christmas, Kurt felt lumps behinds Eden's ear, and a couple on her neck. We were seen by our family Dr. the next day, and Dr's at the University Hospital in Iowa City. The Iowa City Dr's put her on antibiotics to treat some rare symptoms she had (sore legs and inflamed lymph node).

On Saturday, January 10th, Eden started running a fever. On January 13th, we took Eden back in to see our family Dr in Washington, Dr. Nacos. We thank Dr. Nacos, for knowing that something just wasn't right, as he scheduled an appointment for Eden to see Oncologist Dr. Staber the next morning.

On January 14th, at 8:40am, we met Dr. Staber and her team. Various tests were run, which all pointed to a virus, except one. Dr. Staber chose to continue testing by collecting a bone marrow biopsy. We waited 2 hours by eating lunch, and were planning the rest of the day (taking Eden to the Coralville Mall for a ride on the carousal). Dr. Staber and Dr. Rolla, met with us at 2:30. At that time, our life changed, as they explained that Eden had Leukemia.

We were immediately admitted to the hospital. Eden immediately won the hearts of all the nurses on our floor, and they have won our hearts as they care for our daughter.

Thursday at 4pm, we found out that she has Pre-B Lymphoblastic Leukemia. This was good news, because it's a type that IS curable. At this time, the Dr's were able to schedule our first 28 days of treatments accordingly. Eden has been very resilient. She enjoys wagon rides (in a yellow Hawkeye wagon), seeing the fish in the aquariums, and playing with the other children She was able to rest well Thursday night, generally with one of us curled up with her in her crib.

Friday has been the hardest day for Eden, as she had a port surgically placed in her chest, another bone marrow, fluid pulled from her spinal column, and chemo injected into the new port and around her spinal column. After returning from surgery, she started oral and IV chemo. This has been the hardest day on Eden's little body as she has spiked a high fever. She has had short intervals of being "our little Eden" which are usually filled with a request for "Rella" aka Cinderella. We were once again given good news as the test on spinal fluid did not show cancer cells.

As we type tonight, she's resting well. And just like every night at home we cannot wait for her to wake up. I am sure we will fight over who gets to curl up beside her. . .


  1. Hello Eden....
    You know, the very best treatment you are getting has to be that ride in the yellow HAWKEYE wagon!! We are so glad to hear you have had a good day. We continue to pray for all of you. Hang in there!
    Chad, Joan, Lindsay & Allison

  2. Hello, my name is Tiffany Wade and when I was 6 yrs. old, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. When I heard Eden's story, I had to write. Jennifer Shike gave me your blog. I first want to tell you that you all are in my prayers. Second of all, I wanted you all to know what St Jude's Children's Research Hospital did for me and my family. I realize that you now go to Iowa, but please feel free to contact me for any further info about St. Jude's. The best thing about them is that they pay for everything!!!!!! I cannot stress enough how much this place means to me. They truly saved my life. Please contact me at
