Friday, January 23, 2009

Awesome News

Thank you for your prayers!

Eden had her first outpatient chemo today and all went well. The wonderful, amazing news includes her test results. We were shooting for less than 5% cancer cells remaining by next week. Well, after waiting and praying and praying and waiting for the results, we were informed that she is at 3%!!!!!!! This is a huge praise for us as it shows us the chemo is working. We really believe that this is God's grace! Also, her spinal fluid tested cancer-free still! While this is the news we have been praying for, it does not change the course of treatment. She will continue to receive her "pokes", oral, and IV chemo.

We were not quite sure how Eden would react to our return trip to the hospital today. She was not allowed to eat anything until she was finished; but, she worked the crowd. Anyone who came within reach, she requested "cheese" from. She did eventually polish off nearly a tub! In her usual style she was not only quite chipper but also had a memory like a steel trap. When she saw beloved Donna (developmental specialist from our last clinic visit) Eden's eyes lit up and she immediately requested "toys". Eden has seen many of you over the past week (thanks for the visits and care); she remembers and has had a positive experience overall.


  1. What fabulous news!! Couldn't be happier for all of you!! All of the prayers being said for you have truly worked, and they will still be said for you! God is Good!

    Heidi and Keith

  2. Another yea God!!! We are rejoicing with you on the test results!! Burge, Beth and family

  3. We've been praying hard for you guys. We are SO excited for you and thankful to God for this great news.

    xoxo, The Hansons - Greg, Maria, Elizabeth and Pete

  4. We are so happy to hear your good news!!! The power of prayer is amazing and we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers to keep the good results coming your way! Karsten is ready and waiting to read books to Eden as soon as he can. Take care,

    The Battles - Bruce, Natalie, Karsten & Sutton

  5. We are glad to see the happy news. We will continue to keep you in our hearts!
    xoxoxo Cassie, Scott, Elizabeth and Gabrielle

  6. GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!

    God is good, gracious and true to his promises! Eden, you are quite the fighter! Keep up the good work!

    Much Love-Mike, Karen & Jacob

  7. What great news to read tonight! God is an awesome God and He hears our prayers. Enjoy your weekend together!

    The Hippen Family
    Chad, Joan, Lindsay and Allison

  8. Yeah! We thank God for seeing you all through and providing grace to keep you going. We continue to ask Lily to say her prayer, to which she says, "pray Eden better!"
    John, Nichole & Lily Gruber
    Graham, WA

  9. It is great to be home! God is faithful! We are continuing to pray for your time together and that Eden will continue to heal. You are both wonderful and loving parents.

    The Berhows
    Mark, Jodi, Anna and Ben

  10. Selene, Kurt, and Eden,
    We were so happy to hear about your good results, it sure is an answer to prayer. We have been praying and will continue to pray throughout your treatment. We also include strength for Mom and Dad, You all seem to be resting in God's hands. Take care and have a good week. Thanks for the updates.
    Aunt Nancy & Uncle Ardyce
