Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Treatment On

We will be spending the day with our friends at the clinic today . . . . Eden's blood counts were amazing. Her WBC was 3.4 up from 1.0 last week and her neutraphil count was 1900 up from 40 last week. We are just amazed! The exciting part is that her little body is going to go into this next round stronger than ever.

Have a great Wednesday.


  1. Great News - Praise the Lord! We'll be praying all goes well today. love, Tony & Cari

  2. Hey, Great news on such a rainy, dreary day!!


  3. Yeah for little E! We are so glad she will get to see her friends and be back on track with her treatment. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Give her a big hug from all of us!

    The Battles

  4. Hi Selena, Kurt, & Eden,
    So glad to hear that you are able to be outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather, except for today. Also glad to hear that Eden was able to get back to her treatments. We are praying every day that she will have successful treatments with few side effects.
    Love and Hugs,
    U Ardyce & A Nancy

  5. Yippeeeeee!!!! Such good news. I will keep praying for you pretty little angel. Tell her I said hi.

    Linda D

  6. Good Job Eden! Those are wonderful counts; no wonder you have been feeling so good! I hope you guys had a good day at clinic well at least the best that it could be in a small room with not much to do. We are glad that she will be able to continue with her treatment this week. We will be praying that her counts stay stable for a little while before they go down again. Enjoy!

    With love, The Waters' Family

  7. So glad to learn that Eden is doing better!! Hey, maybe Jim can take her turkey hunting next time, I don't think he saw any in his whole week of hunting!!

  8. Good things happen for good people. Great news - happy to hear it. Steve J.

  9. Prayers are being answered. God is a loving God, and is watching over Eden, and her mommy and daddy, as they head into each new week and treatments. We are so thankful that she isn't having too many side effects from the chemo. She is such a bright and happy little girl. May this week bring good numbers. We continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts each and everyday. So happy to hear you can get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. We are enjoying the springtime also. Love and hugs.
