Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This past Friday was a busy day at the clinic and Eden enjoyed meeting new friends. My usual fear of germs was minimized with the great lab results she had on Thursday. Most of her time was spent looking for any new books that may have been added to the bookcase and practicing her artistic talents on the chalkboard. After a wait to see our Dr. I, volunteered all the necessary information he needed in order for them to make the decision to proceed with Eden's chemo . . . "no fever, no vomiting, no mouth sores, etc." Maybe I shouldn't have shared how well Eden is doing as Dr. Tannous informed us they would be increasing her chemo, since she was doing so well, to the point she cannot tolerate any more. The thought that they will be pushing her little body gives Kurt and I mixed feelings. We enjoy the fact that she is doing amazingly well and we notice minimal side effects with the reduced chemo but, then we say "bring it on" as we know the side effects are part of treating our daughter with cancer.

Our weekend was filled with spending time with friends and family, and as always, spending many short stints of time outside. That crazy cat is still up the neighbors tree, and Eden continues to tell us "that cat HAS to come out of the tree to eat". "Silly kitty".

We feel blessed that Eden's been doing so well over the past couple of weeks. We try really hard to continually stay positive! Thanks for all the prayers and support!


  1. Hi guys! I always enjoy reading your updates and your positive, upbeat attitude. That can only come from God's grace! My heart breaks for you and little Eden, although she seems to be doing so well. I know there has to be tough days. You are always in my thoughts and prayers! ~Diana Davis

  2. Good morning Kurt, Selena and Eden! Well, it's really not morning but I think those words are more musical than good evening. Thank goodness for computers and blogs because from Colorado I can stay updated on the kitty in the tree and Eden. Yes, it's a bit uncomfortable to know they are going to increase Eden's chemo. She will be okay! WE are going to continue to pray for her daily! Today I climbed a small mountain with Sam and while on top I prayed for you guys.

    Please know you are in my thoughts so much! Oh...Selena, I checked the price of the little milks Eden likes and they are $1.00 each in a case of 24. $1.08 when purchased alone. Jami said to check at Cosco if we have them in Iowa.

    Take care and lots of love.


  3. So glad to read how things are going. We will be praying that all of you have the strength to face what's in front of you, and for the un known. We went to a wedding in Kansas this weekend. We stayed with friends that have a pond in the backyard so the boys were able to fish, ride the paddle boat and use the kayaks. There was a little 2 year old with curly hair there, too. Keith and each of the boys told me at different times "She reminds me of Eden." You are never far from the thoughts of anyone in our home. I'll send pictures of the boys and their big catches! God Bless You All!!

    Love, Heidi

  4. It is good to hear Eden is doing so well this week. Now on to bigger things. You are all in our thoughts and prayers as you face the next step in this treatment for the cancer. You are so positive and show great strength as you face each day, only with God's help can we climb the mountains that lay ahead of each of us. You will do just fine. You have loving family and friends who are with you along the way both in prayers and in thought. Chin up. We love you so much. God Bless!

  5. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as this new stage of treatment begins. Eden is so lucky to have such great parents taking such great care of her. We think of all of you often. Hang in there!

    Love, Chad, Joan, Lindsay and Allison

  6. It's great to hear Eden is doing so well. Stay positive and continue to look for the good. It's tough and I can't begin to put myself in your shoes. Keep the info up as it's good to hear how things are going for you. SteveJ.

  7. No news must be good news, as I haven't found anything on here. You are always in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. We do hope all is going well for the three of you. The weather has been nice so you can get out and enjoy some of it. We love you, Kurt, Selena and Eden.
    Hugs, Aunt Mary and Uncle Heinz
