Sunday, May 3, 2009

Good weekend at home

It's sure been nice to be home, especially when the weather is so nice!

Today, Eden was reminding Selena and I that her "hair is coming back" as she dips her head toward us and running her right hand back and forth across her scalp. Like always, we replied by telling her "yes, and it is just beautiful". Selena asked Eden what color her hair is - Eden responded with "Pink". Pink is Eden's favorite color, but it's not currently her hair color.

Eden enjoyed getting to spend most of the weekend with her Aunt Kristi and cousin Brooke. A good deal of Brooke's time was spent in front of Eden's pink kitchen cooking eggs and making cookies - direct orders from the smallest person in the house of course. Until today, Brooke didn't realize that cookies are made (in Eden's kitchen) by mixing plastic tomatoes and slices of plastic cheese together in a really little metal pan using plastic forks.

Since it was such an incredibly nice day today (Sunday), Selena and I finally got our garden planted, Eden enjoyed some time swinging in the backyard, we found 3 morel mushrooms next to her swingset, and we made a trip out to Grandpa Jim's house (her adopted grandpa) to see and pet their horses, and watch the cows and calves. By the expression on her face, being up close and personal to the horses was the highlight of her day.

Selena's been doing an excellent job of administering the antibiotics from home. Eden gets three treatments per day, one at 4:30am, 12:30pm, and 8:30pm. Selena has to push a saline flush into Eden's port, then goes the antibiotic at an extremely slow rate, then another saline flush, and finally the heparin lock. Eden's been adjusting to doing this process 3 times a day, although Selena and I are already looking forward to this phase being over!

Time to hit the hay, 4:00am is coming up fast! (we have to get the antibiotic out of the refrigerator 30 minutes prior to go-time.

Thanks for spending your time following up on us! Hope you all had a good weekend.


  1. Hi Selena, Kurt, & Eden,
    Glad to hear Eden is out of the hospital and enjoying time at home. Hopefully this will be the last of her hospital stays. The weather was beautiful over the weekend so I'm sure she enjoyed the time outdoors, I know we did. Got a lot of grass mowing done. Have a good week and we will continue to pray.
    Love, U Ardyce & A Nancy

  2. So glad that you're home again. I'm sure the three of you are famous up at the hospital. Kurt is pretty hard to miss! And Selena's giving IV antibiotics.... I knew you could do it. You're in our prayers....walk over some time when E's having a good day. Love, Lynette

  3. You certainly brightened my day on Saturday when you came up the old rickety apartment! You have no idea how much that meant to me. I hope it works out w/ all of our schedules that we can spend a little time on Wednesday.

    I LOVE reading the stories about your days.

    God Bless you.

