Sunday, September 13, 2009

Glimpses of normalacy?

Glimpses of normalacy? The last day Eden received chemo was August 25th. We have spent our time since that day waiting and anticipating her levels to rebound. Labs from last week indicated that she had rebounded. We celebrated by enjoying some normal activities, lunch with friends, play dates and her first trip to a public park. Although Eden was thrilled with the outings I think Kurt and I were even more excited to see Eden enjoying toddler activities. This week’s trip to Dr Dave’s hospital (our local hospital) resulted in disappointing results. Her labs that were normal last week were not only low but indicated she was neutropenic and therefore results in extra precautions to keep her in areas of minimal germs. A call to the hospital regarding these numbers leaves us with only more questions . . . So we ask for your prayers that her weekly labs on Tuesday will show our anticipated results. If her levels show that they are recovering she will start her next phase of maintenance on Wednesday. Maintenance will be a combination of chemo via her port, lumbar punctures (chemo via her spine), nightly chemo at home and 5 days a month of steroids.

We have so much to be thankful for over the last 8 months. Today I am thanking God for all our friends and family that have carried us through.



  1. You guys stay strong, we are all still praying for Eden to get better and be cancer free. It is nice to see her every now and then we she pops into the DNR!!! Lunch the other day was delicous!!! You guys did not have to do that but it was sooooo good!!! Take care of that precious little girl and of yourselves!!!

  2. Hi Levetzows~
    We continue to think of you all! Emma will have a spinal tap and chemo on Wednesday-we hope to see you there!
    Take Care and give Eden Big Hugs!!

    Angela & Emma Langstraat

  3. Thanks for the update. The emotions of this ordeal are such a roller coaster. Stay tough as I know both of you will be. Thinking of the three of you, Steve J.

  4. Hello Eden, Kurt, & Selena -

    We love you guys and we're praying for you. We'll pray for some great news tomorrow. What a joy it's been to spend time with Eden! Call if I can be of any help!


  5. Hi guys! Hang in there with that precious little girl. You all have been so brave through this trial. Your upbeat and positive attitude has been awesome, but I know it's been God's amazing grace. I was in Iowa City this aft. with my mom on second floor. I may be there again on Wed. with a resident. I'm so happy Eden had a small piece of freedom...what a joy that must have been! You are in my prayers constantly! Diana Davis

  6. Thank goodness you are through DI! Praying that Eden makes a quick comeback and things start to be "normal".

  7. It was so good to see all of you on the Square on Saturday! Praying that the lab results were good so you could continue on with the chemo and one more step closer to being all done!

    The Hippen Family

  8. We continue to hold you all up in our prayers each day. We pray things keep looking "up" for all of you. Little Eden is such a brave little trooper, God Bless her. And special blessing to her loving mom and dad, who support her going through all these treatments. God is with you each step of the way. We love all of you so very much. Have a good weekend. Love and hugs, Uncle Heinz & Aunt Mary
