Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Prayer Request

Today we are asking for support for our little friend, four-year-old Jenna Waters. Jenna is from the Washington area too and she and Eden were diagnosed around the same time. Jenna has a form of liver cancer. Jenna and Eden share the same clinic day and we visit at the hospital when both Jenna and Eden are inpatient. On Wednesday, Jenna will undergo testing at the University which will be used to determine her next steps in treatment. We ask that you will surround Jenna and the Waters family in prayer during this day and the days following as they await and digest results and a new road map for treatment. Friends, we are abundantly blessed to have you as our partners in prayer - please lift up this precious little girl and her family! God Bless!


  1. Selena, Kurt, & Eden,
    Can't believe all the medicine and pokes that little Eden has to endure. She is so brave and taking it all so well. We continue to pray everyday. That is sure sad about Jenna, we will add her to our prayer list.
    Have a good Easter weekend.
    Love, Uncle Ardyce & Aunt Nancy

  2. Selena, Kurt and Eden, What a brave little trooper Eden is, with all she has to go through. We continue to hold Eden up in our prayers, and will include little Jenna Waters in our prayers, asking God to give them comfort and strength in the coming days. May you have a blessed Easter on Sunday. You will be close in our thoughts, as always. Love and hugs to all, Aunt Mary & Uncle Heinz
