Monday, October 26, 2009

Is warm weather coming back??

Eden's hair is coming in nicely. It's completely covered her head, and appears to be red again. Just this evening, we were talking about her hair coming back and that she'll soon be able to put bows in - her facial expressions lit up! Seeing her expressions like that can turn a bad day into a great day in just seconds. Just a couple minutes later, Eden was standing behind mom on the couch, flipping mom's ponytail across her (Eden's) could just tell she's ready for her own hair to come back.

Eden has been doing very well lately. Her counts have been good enough that the Dr's have her on 100% chemo (meaning they don't have to scale the chemo back due to low counts). We're very thankful that she has not been sick thus far into the cold & flu season.

Eden was able to pick out a pumpkin over the weekend - it was funny, she picked out the scrawniest little pumpkin in the whole works - I decided she felt sorry for it. We were able to convince her to take one without quite so many deformities (so it at least resembles a pumpkin).

Over this past weekend, mom was going out to rake some leaves and Eden decided she needed to help - so off to the hardware store we went. Back home we went after we found just the right color and size (purple & pink slashes/small in size). We all ended up raking - mom and I that is. Eden's new rake ended up holding leaves down as the little girl waded through leaf piles picking her spot amongst the tarped leaves awaiting a ride to the street where the leaves are dumped for the fall pickup. Life is good!

Thanks for checking in on Eden. Please continue to pray for a healthy flu season.


  1. So glad to hear everything is going so well. Thanks for the update as I know they take time. Steve J.

  2. It's so exciting to read such good news! I'm so glad Eden is able to do normal kid things and getting her pretty red hair back. I still admire your positive attitude, courage and strength and above all your faith in God! His grace is amazing! Take care and keep looking up! My prayers are with you! Diana Davis

  3. Positives are blessings

