Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back to reality

Last week was the first week since January that Eden has not had a “poke.” What a great week that was . . . now back to our reality. Eden had her weekly labs drawn today to determine if she is able to have treatment tomorrow and once again we are amazed with her results. Some of her counts have tumbled to levels half of where they were 10 days ago but she is still eligible for treatment. We are so thankful that she entered this round strong and that she is tolerating the chemo so well. God is Good!

One funny story . . . yesterday Eden had asked me if she could watch her Go Fish video and I had told her “no” (we let her watch very little TV). She didn’t cry or argue but her response “I ask Daddy.” I really didn’t think that I would hear that till she was negotiating her social calendar. She certainly keeps us laughing all the time.

The Drs will once again be increasing her chemo tomorrow, so please pray for a good day and that side effects are nonexistent, or at least bearable.


  1. God Bless all of you and pray that Eden does well with her treatments.

  2. God is good and I will pray that he wraps His arms around Eden today the following days. I will pray and pray that she will stay strong and not get sickie.


  3. We pray that the treatments go well, that they will not make Eden too sick. We know Jesus loves the little children, and that Eden will have that love with her each and everyday. May the next weeks not be too difficult, and we pray that all goes well for Eden, and also for strength and faith for mom and dad. God Bless all of you. Love and hugs, Aunt Mary and Uncle Heinz

  4. Hope all is going well. The chemo can be tough but the rewards are good. Sounds like Eden has a sense of humor - just wait till she starts her social calender. You ain't seen nothin yet!! Every one keep up the good job. Steve J.
