Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rough start to August

Monday, August 2, 2010, started like most other days, however, by 2pm, Eden was admitted to the University of Iowa Hospital due to the dreaded ‘fever’. For the next four days Eden battled fevers coming and going. Each time the fever would go away, we hoped we were out of the woods, only to have it come back. Thursday morning at 9am was the last high temperature she’s had. After running several blood cultures, the team of Drs determined she had a viral infection.

The week has flown by, as all of our thoughts and concerns have been directed to Eden’s well being. Now that we can sit back and take a deep breath, we’re just thankful for how this event has turned out.

As I type this blog entry, she’s snuggled up next to mom in the bed, eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream and watching “Girl Power Veggie Tales”.

Even though it’s hard to say for sure what Eden’s been through this week, I do know that she’s been very well taken care of. As always, our team of nurses have been nothing short of Excellent. They’re sweet, caring, and attentive - everything you’d want in someone providing care to your child.

Twice today we talked the nurses and Dr’s into unhooking Eden from her “tree” so we could go outside to the play area. We took advantage of that, and had a great time playing with her and watching her run around and laugh again.

Eden’s white count and ANC have been slowly rising for the past couple of days, but the Dr’s won’t discharge us until her counts reach a certain level or she has been on IV meds for 7 days. So if all goes well, we’ll be going back to our normal life soon.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for Eden!


  1. We continue to hold Eden and both of you in prayer. Even tho we don't hear from you, you are always close in our thoughts. So was glad to find this blog bringing us up to date. You have a very special young lady, who seems to be keeping your spirits up. Bless all of you. Hugs and love to all
    Uncle Heinz and Aunt Mary

  2. Thanks for keeping us posted. This has to be a very difficult time. Sounds like Eden continues to be the tropper as all of you are. Steve J.

  3. Hope Eden is doing better now. You are on my mind ALOT and we are praying for Eden! Maybe Isabella could get together with her sometime for an outside playdate at the park when she is up to it! We will be busy getting Matt ready to move to Chicago next week but after that things should calm down. Call me sometime!

  4. We have been thinking about all of you a lot and praying that Eden gets thru this rough time. I agree...she is one amazing little girl and does seem to be pretty good at raising your spirits. I hope she is outside, running and laughing again soon. I love the comment that your husband is home. She is so grown up already! We will continue to pray for strength for all of you and for Eden's cancer to go away. Love you!! Bub, Kim, Hannah & Brandon

  5. We have been praying for Eden through all of this. We keep praying knowing they will be answered. Our love and prayers to you all, Adam, Jamie, Jack and Kale Ploog
